Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Looking on the bright side...

I have been feeling like the proverbial "negative nancy" lately. Feeling sorry for myself, my situation, blah, blah, blah. I should be kicked for feeling that way. Ex. 1. Friend who has children with multiple developmental problems and as I read about her daily struggles, it makes me realize how fortunate I am to have two healthy children. Ex. 2. Friend who's husband's best friend had a massive stroke. He has two small children. How can I complain about G when he is healthy, hard working, a great father, and has been trying ever so hard lately to make me happy? Ex. 3. Anyone and everyone I know who can't find work. I chose to come back to work. Not because I had to. Because I wanted to. I knew it would be tight financially because of the full time daycare needed in the summer. I know the cost will go down in two months. We have two incomes when some families are struggling to find just one.

Someone should seriously put me in my place.

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