Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I just wanted to put a thought out there quickly...

As G wrestles with the kids in the bath, I am downstairs listening to Avery (one I babysit, not one I gave birth to!) talk to himself as he plays, and I am preparing to go to Whine (Wine) Wednesday (wherein we sit, drink and whine about anything and everything!!!) at my friend Mary's house, I just keep thinking how damned blessed we are (those two words go well together... sheesh!) with everything we have. I see so many families struggling to make it, so many friends I know personally who have lost their house, jobs, life savings, etc. and realize that while my own family has definitely had its struggles and cut backs, we have been relatively untouched by all of the things going wrong all around us. I'd like to think that we have a lot to do with it, which in part, we have, but I also sometimes just think we are extremely lucky. I am not one and have never been one to put faith in anything but myself, and I'm not someone to rely on the kindness and "gifts" of another. I believe in God, but not the way most people do, and a part of me is just I'm waiting for it to come crashing in, but I know that if it does, we'll make it through.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Blessed is a very good word for it! I'm thrilled to know you are! It is evident!